Monday, January 17, 2011

Last Night...

Me: Are there any lanes open? I'd like to check out.

Girl: (pointing) Right over there.

Me: (Seeing no one at a cash register) I’m sorry, where?

Girl: (clearly annoyed that I am speaking to her as I am an old fossil) Right there. (heavy sigh)

Me: There is no one there. (I check again as my vision is not what it was back during The Cretaceous Period).

Girl: Right over there, you scan your stuff on the scanner and then you bag it and then you pay.

Me: You mean do your job?

Girl: That aint my job.

Me: Then what is your job?

Girl: I tell people to go over there and scan their groceries.

Me: Hmm, I see. Can I speak to your manager?

Girl: (pointing) Right over there.


Me: Are there any lanes open?

Manager: (pointing) Right over there.

Me: Yeah I already played this game of charades with the space cadet over there (I point, the girl waves at me, smiling)

Manager: Well, see what you do is scan the products, then you bag…

Me: Hold on, let me get this straight, I went to college, got a job that requires using more than 10% of my brain and I STILL have to bag my own groceries. When the fuck did that become OK?

Manager: Ummm.

Me: Exactly... now open a lane, Hawaii 5-O is on in 10 minutes and I aint missing it.

Manager: So…ummmm… let’s get you checked out (leads me to the register and calls over an cashier.)

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