Sunday, May 11, 2014

Scooty Puff Jr.

Years ago, there was an episode of Futurama called "The Why of Fry". In it, the dimwitted character Fry learns of his true reason for existing. He is the last line of defense against an alien invasion.

When he finally gets his chance to ride into battle, he is issued a child's scooter called the Scooty Puff Jr.  It's basically a giant wind up toy that he will use to get him into the thick of an impending alien apocalypse...sounds impressive, no?

So every morning on my way to work I see this parade of grown men, many dressed in suits who are doing something just terribly stupid looking, I'm sure some of you have seen it…it looks like this…

and this

Shouldn't there be a point at which grown men should not be commuting to work on skateboards and/or razor scooters?

Surely there is a logical point at which they get out of bed and say to themselves…

"Hell, (or possible "Heck") I'm a 35 year old adult, I have a reasonably well paying job pushing papers around, 2 weeks of vacation per year, a decent health plan and what looks, to the casual observer like a half way decent relationship that wasn't instigated on J-date or thru the use of Rohypnol. Perhaps I should not take my skateboard which most people give up at age 15 and actually take the subway LIKE A FUCKIN GROWN UP"!

Everytime I see one of these guys I think they should be going "Wheeeeee!" as they bounce down the street.

At least then I wouldn't feel embarrassed for them.

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