Sunday, May 19, 2013

I'll stick with my lottery tickets, thank you...

Always be careful exactly how you word your wishes because we have a friend who is knee-deep in cats right now…

...take a minute, you'll get it.


This message has been sent to you for good luck. The original is in a filthy sealed trunk in the attic of a woman in Erie, Pennsylvania who forgot it was there.  It has been sent around the world 67 times. The luck has now been sent to you whether you like it or not. You will receive good luck within four days of receiving this message, 5 days if you live in a trailer park. You must send it on to people you know and in doing so prove them right when they secretly think you have a small brain.

Send copies to people you think need good luck. Don't send money as fate has no price. Do not keep this message. This message must leave your hands in 96 hours.

A mechanic in Ohio received $470,000 Dollars but the police made him return it to the bank he stole it from.

In the Philippines, Gordon Weiss lost his wife 51 days after receiving the message. He failed to circulate the message. He then received Seven million dollars. So it sucks to be Mrs. Weiss, I guess.
Please send twenty copies and see what happen in four days. The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Ernst DeSouza, a Missionary from Tupelo Mississippi. Since the copy must tour the world, you must make twenty copies and send them to friends and associates - After a few days you will get a surprise. This is true, even if you are not superstitious….

Ivan D. Grossman was sure surprised when he came home early and found the cable guy "puttin' the shoes to his wife".

Earl Grubb received this chain in 1953. He asked his secretary to make twenty copies and send them out. A few days later his secretary won a lottery of two million dollars. A few days later the secretary was dead and Earl had a new boat.

Dwayne Merkin, an office employee, received the message and forgot that it had to leave his hands in 96 hours. He lost his job, his dog, a whole bunch of vintage Playboys he was saving and his car got 3 flat tires on the same day. Later, after finding that message again, He mailed twenty copies. A few days later he found his dog.

Martin Fairchild received the message, realized it was a bunch or crap and threw it away with his junk mail. Nine days later, nothing happened to him at all.

In 1988, the message washed up on the beach in California in an old Coke bottle, a young woman grabbed it and dropped it in the recycling can. 10 minutes later, she stubbed her big toe.

A filthy hobo found the message stuck to the lid of a trash can in Seattle. He saved his change for days and made 20 copies. He was struck by a bike messenger on his way out of Kinkos.

Sylvia Bergen received the letter in 1946, it was folded and faded. She promised herself that she would retype the message and send it on, But she set it aside to do it later. She was struck dead sixty-seven years later at the age of 98. 

Philip Rollins laughed and tossed the letter out, 2 days later he ended up with the "Swamp Squirts" something awful.

Esther McGuinness made 20 copies and sent them out immediately. The next day Jesus came down and took everyone to Heaven except her.


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