Saturday, April 15, 2017

I don't understand what you're sayin...

Found this online, maybe this will help if you visit Miami...

chonga [chohn-ga]
Miami’s most infamous female. Traits include dark lip liner, gelled hair, large hoop earrings with her name written inside, a tight crop top and coochie cutters. Found in her native habitat of Hialeah, although she does venture out from time to time.
Example: “Calle Ocho was filled with chongas this year.”

papi chulo [pah-pee choo-low]
Literal Translation: pimp daddy This term has evolved from referring to a Hispanic “bro” who likes to think he’s a ladies man to a guy that’s so painfully good looking he actually is.

pata sucia [pah-tah sū-see-ya]
Literal Translation: dirty foot A girl that has taken her shoes off at the club after one too many vodka sodas and multiple hours of bumpin’ and grindin’. She can no longer walk in her 6-inch heels and going barefoot is her only viable option.

pero, like… I can’t [peh-roh lahyk ahy kant]
Literal Translation: but, like… I can’t Usually said by a girl that just cannot deal with the situation at hand.
Example: “Can you believe Juan got back together with Coquincita after she cheated on him with his brother?  “Pero, like… I can’t.”

dasit [dahs-EET]
Definition: Spanglish version of “that’s it.” This brings us to an interesting topic, many words that begin with “th” are replaced with a "da" sound. To wit: “that” becomes “dat,” “this” morphs into “dis,” etc.
Example: At the ventanita: “Half an order of pastelitos, dasit.”

dale [dah-LAY]
Definition: For some people, it is a universal term for just about anything. It has a variety of meanings, from agreement, to let’s do it, to a way to express excitement. It can even stand alone as its own sentence.

eating shit
Definition: Oddly enough, it translates to “doing nothing.” If you actually think about it, this is the worst of them. It comes from the older set who say “come mierda.”
Example: “Oye papo, whatchu been up to today?" "Nothing, eating shit.”

Definition: Miami’s version of regardless
Example:  “I’m gonna buy this beachfront property irregardless of climate change.”

leeeterally [LEEE-ter-UH-leee]
Definition: Miami’s version of literally, which means “in actuality.” Used as an adjective to add emphasis, but counters the actual meaning of the word.
Example: “It’s leeeterally 1,000 degrees outside.”

refi [REF-ee]
Definition: Derogatory word for someone that is off the boat from Cuba or in more general terms, a refugee
Example: “Usnavi is as refi and straight off the boat as you can get.”

Definition: Miami’s version of supposedly
Example: Caro is supposably going on a date with Carlos this weekend.”

suuuper [Sooooooper]
Definition: Similar to “very” or “a lot.” The most popular, yet least creative adjective you could possibly ever add to something.
Example: “Traffic was liiike suuuper bad dis morning.”

Also, for a video tutorial please head to Youtube and watch: 
"Shit Miami Girls Say...and guys" and Shit Miami Girls Say...and guys Part 2

It will explain everything.

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