The Internet is a really amazing, inspiring, powerful tool that just so also happens to be a place where any berzerk, off-their-meds individuals are free to voice their opinions no matter how bugfuck nuts they might be.
I wandered onto this website, Check it out if you want to lose your mind It appears to be run by a single person who claims to be an expert in the political environment and how its currently affected by a series of theories so bizarre that there must be absolutely huge quantities of LSD involved.
Here is an article from the page I landed on…
Moon is Artificial & Arrived with Refugees from Destroyed Planet in Asteroid Belt
According to secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode, there was once a “Super Earth” in the asteroid belt with human looking giants who were involved in a devastating galactic war that destroyed their planet. Goode claims in yesterday’s episode of Cosmic Disclosure that many of the giants fled the destruction via one of their artificially created moons, which was sent into an orbit around the Earth approximately 500,000 years ago.
Goode says that the smart glass pads he read during his 20 year service with different secret space programs from 1987 to 2007 provided two explanations for the moon’s artificial nature. One was that it was a hollowed out natural moon, and the second was that it was a giant orbiting space station.
Goode then says that waves of refugees from the Super Earth began arriving on Earth during different stages in the period spanning the former planet’s destruction. One of these waves was associated with the arrival of the Moon that was teeming with refugees.
The refugees arrival on Earth created armed conflict with advanced indigenous human groups that had previously escaped into the Earth’s interior from cataclysms, and were helping survivors on the surface rebuild society. In previous episodes, Goode says that these breakaway “Inner Earth” groups date as far back as 18 million years, inhabit vast caverns as large as the U.S. state of Texas, and possess advanced space craft.
In addition, different extraterrestrial groups had established colonies on the Earth’s surface where long term genetic experiments had begun – 22 according to Goode and the contactee, Alex Collier. The arrival of the different extraterrestrial groups and their genetic manipulation of surface humans had previously created conflict between the Inner Earth civilizations and the extraterrestrial human hybrid colonies on the surface.
The arrival of the Moon with refugees possessing advanced technologies threatened to upset the delicate balance of power that had been achieved on the Earth between the Inner Earth and surface civilizations. There were subsequent military battles between the Inner Earth civilizations, extraterrestrial visitors and the Super Earth refugees on the Moon, according to Goode.
Evidence of these ancient Moon battles can be witnessed today in the form of the remnants of giant crystal domes, huge towers and square structures, which Goode says he directly witnessed while flying over the moon’s surface. Support for Goode’s astounding claim comes from the research of Richard Hoagland who has conducted extensive digital analysis of much NASA lunar imagery, which he concluded revealed the remnants of giant glass/crystal structures all over the Moon.
Anyway the only thing more fun than the articles are the comments that followed and Holy Crap I hope that these are just trolls and not serious people:
This hypothesis is NOT fact and there is no proof whatsoever. We live on a flat earth and have never been to "space" and so called planets are luminaries and easily seen by rtelscope to be so and not solid masses or spinning objects. Globalism is a complete masonic fraud.
Since late 1700s observers have noted that the moon is opaque and that stars or luminaries can be seen through it. The moon is porbably/possibly a disc and not the solid ball promoted by NASA CGI. Also the moon does not reflect light of the sun because the sun and moon have dikfferent properties...sun is hot and can cure food...moon is cold and putrifying. Moonlight is colder than shade. There are many videos demonstrating this. We know nothing about the sun and the moon....everything that so called scientific "experts" sprout is absolute speculation and fantasy including the supposed distances from Flat Earth... do some research and see how you have been lied to and mind controlled.
If we "know nothing about the sun and moon" how do you (or anyone) know that moonlight is "colder than shade"? And are you freaking serious??? MOONLIGHT??
Good article. What a riveting story! One major comment by David Wilcock was overlooked in it, however, as DW claims his insiders allege the majority of the Maldekian Giants of Tiamat who escaped in the Luna Ark perished anyway as the moon was so violently hammered. The interior of Luna must be full of corpses and other remains. DW claims a few of the Maldekians survived. I don't know if they and their "ark" were in any shape to battle anyone and thus were at the mercy of other raiders & invaders.
All along I wrongly believed that the moon was placed by evil beings, to spying and control our Human population. It is always a pleasure to find out that certain aspects aren't as they seamed. Another Evolutive example of an assumption that needed more clarity.
What no one talks of is that we were created with 2 strand DNA. Dosnt this fact make anyone think? The count of DNA strands for off world beings is known to be at least 12 strand DNA. So you think a 2 strand DNA being such as us have the ability to pull ourselves up by our boot straps and we are hitting on only two cylinders instead of 12... This is why we are still enslaved by those who have 12 strand DNA. The only way we will be fully conscious is if our DNA is completed and that will take Divinely inspired intervention and a mass healing.
Yes, the moon has many secrets and ALSO Helium-3 ! I choose not to visit the moon while the Dark Fleet Base is there.
…and with that I bid you a fond farewell from the internet,
where the lunatics of tomorrow are wreaking havoc today!
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