Sunday, July 3, 2011

OK... let's try this again...

Tuesday...Phone Rings...

Her: Good morning…Mr…Mr… How are you this morning?

Me: Well, first and foremost, its night…9:44pm to be exact, where the fuck are you calling from that the sun is out?

Her: (starting again) Oh, I apologize…sir Good evening…Mr…um..Mr. Marchi-

Me: Please, just tell me what you want and stop butchering my name”.

Her: (starting again) Ok…Hello…Good Night Mr. Mar-

Me: “Good night indeed”. *Click*

Wednesday – Take Two

Her: Good morning, Mr. Marchosataa, how are you this evening”?

Me: “Do you even listen to what you’re saying”?

Her: I would like to speak to you about your Chase Visa Credit Card.

Me: Is there a problem with my account?

Her: We have many new products available to hel-

Me: Is there something wrong with my card”?

Her: And we think what we offe-

Me: Listen. ANSWER MY QUESTION! Is there something wrong with my card”?

Her: Only if you don’t accept this great offer. 28% interest rate for 2,163 years.

Me: Ummmm......

Her: I know, right?

Me: My current interest rate is 9%.

Her: Oh, I see…well Mr. Mancheetos, I think th-

Me: *Click*

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