I moved down here to start a new job.
Renee packed up the entire house in NJ
Renee came down and interviewed, she got a new job.
Got Ava registered into a new school
Bought a new house
Sold the old house
Moved in.
…and still have room for coffee.
Like this…only somehow even bigger.
Cortadito or even a Colada once a day is a great way to make sure you are getting the Nutrition Councils annual amount of sugar in a single serving.
Anyhoo, thats the preliminary impression of my new home here in a city that is bound on one side by alligators, on the other side by people who have paddled all the way from Cuba on top of a claw-foot bathtub and on another side by 92 year old men driving automobiles so large that they are often on both sides of an intersection at the same time.