Monday, May 28, 2012

GoogleTranslate, you have failed me...

I found this (clearly written by me) very sloppily on a ripped piece of paper on my wife's Honda dashboard. Here is my attempt at translation…
Fried mo breads ass Other,
Frond curves down to Help
His Wipe His Ass, etc.

This may remain one of the world's greatest mysteries.

1 comment:

  1. As with all things that involve wifeage (and the possible faults therein), if there is no photo spread, video recording, television coverage, four-hour six-part documentary featuring the event in question, small skirmish over a non-consequential island only inhabited by newts and vegetarians, and a six-mile-long stone memorial engraved in non-denominational unserialized small jewelry bits and other things that will mysteriously show up on the credit card bills and you are NOT allowed to question what they were and will never see nor understand in any way what was actually purchased or why...

    It never happened.

    -- Even more Capt. Buttastic
