Thursday, October 4, 2012

So...who wants to go first?

So, we are on the bus returning from Epcot. It's only 3 in the afternoon but because its been 96 degrees and humid all day it feels like we have been taking turns climbing a mountain carrying a 500 lb. sweaty fat guy covered in rubber cement...through hell.

Ava takes a six and a half minute nap, wakes and suddenly goes into overdrive.

She wants to play Rock, Paper, Scissors. But not just the normal version of the game...

Oh, no...that game is too boring she says...she want to change the game a bit.

Now it's Rock, Paper, Poop, Gun, Fart... and she has already worked out the rules which she begins to share by speaking entirely too loud on a packed bus...

Paper cover Poop.
Rock breaks Fart.
Fart catches Paper.
Gun shoots Poop...which she refers to as Poop Shoot.
Poop goes in your Face.

Needless to say no one wanted to play.

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