Anyone who reads this weird blog of mine knows that on occasion I can post about things that seem deeply stupid to me. I came across this next bunch of imbeciles recently and it occurred to me that no matter how much writing I do, it won’t ease my anger and frustration at these jerks and the people they take advantage of.
Truthfully, there isn’t anything anyone can do when the people who are being fleeced seem to be doing so wholeheartedly and with open eyes.
Anyone with half a brain should know that waving a metal pendulum over an index card with a name on it certainly won’t provide anything of value.
Anyone who has ever read a book knows that there are no such things as Chakras and yet I have now seen people get into very long discussions over whether or not the energy in one’s chakras flows clockwise or counterclockwise, seen people getting into heated arguments over how many layers there are to a person’s “aura”. For the record, some flakes say there are 30-34 and other flakes insist there are no more than 7.
So I guess we wont be getting to the truth of that argument anytime soon.
Wandering around, I kept being pulled from one site to another, from one person to another, almost all of them claiming that 1. they were the world's foremost authority on whatever they believed and 2. That so long as you were willing to give them money (and apparently drop 80-90 IQ points) you too could (pick one:) have better health, become immortal, have x-ray vision, heal the sick, raise the dead, win the lottery, speak to extraterrestrials, cure cancer, restore vision, commune with angels, detox your liver, practice self love (actually that one sounds fun), travel to another universe without leaving your living room etc, etc.
I couldn’t keep up. I read these sites and saw that only individuals devoid of intelligence, only people who are simpletons can believe any of this and as I continued reading, I realized that not once did I see a rational person at work, not once did I see any evidence of reality or intelligent thought.
It quite literally may be one of the saddest things I have ever seen.
So I started with Erich Hunter, he calls himself the Pendulum Master, he claims to be a Ph.D but I couldnt find any evidence of his schooling or degree, his bio claims he worked for over 10 years “in the field of the Biological Sciences” which is vague enough to mean he could have been a scientist or he could have been the creepy guy who cleans out the erlenmeyer flasks after hours.
What's up with this guys head? It looks like a giant tried
to pick him up by his skull and pinched too hard.
Of course, the “Pendulum Master”, sells his own pendulums, some of which were quite expensive, all of which I’m sure were made in third would countries for a dollar each. He has videos on YouTube which show him cleansing and healing himself simply by letting the pendulum swing from his hand over a card with his name on it, it's quite spectacular to watch.
Here is a description of one of his best selling pendulums…
This stunning pendulum combines the three most effective healing designs (i.e. the traditional Osiris, Isis and Karnak) to produce an instrument that is ideal for both "in person" and "distance" healing treatments. It emanates the base radiesthetic color, White, making it an excellent choice for healing and dowsing.
Its geometric shape makes it very receptive to energies, so it is highly responsive to mental commands.
Secondarily, it can also be used as a wand.
Made from Cocuswood The Cocuswood tree helps to fix Nitrogen to make barren soil healthy again for other plants. This implies that this wood has its own intrinsic healing properties since it restores health to the soil.
Finally its wood is valued for making musical instruments because of its excellent musical tone quality. This implies harmonic connection to the cosmos, or the Musica Universalis. An ancient philosophical idea that music is also a mathematical and spiritual property created by the movement of the planets. This pendulum's wood is in harmony with the divine order of the cosmos.
The overall result is an outstanding healing pendulum that is personally used, and endorsed, by Erich Hunter Ph.D. for pendulum healing work.
And I would be remiss if I didnt show you the disclaimer from the bottom of his webpage…
There is no guarantee that Dr. Hunter’s services will solve a particular condition.
I am not a licensed physician.
That the services to be provided are not licensed by the state.
The nature of the services to be provided are based on spiritual and energetic healing.
Seek assistance from licensed medical professionals for all health issues.
From that Hogwarts dropout, I was drawn to the work of Deborah King. She claims that years of unaddressed feelings caused her to develop cervical cancer and that by meditating and journaling she was able to cure it. Just wow.
Tell me you don't see madness behind those eyes.
I watched her seminar video, well as much as I could. She may very well be one of the worst public speakers I've ever seen. She stumbles over her own words, can’t remember the bullshit terms she uses and worse when she whips out her own pendulum (which she waves in front of a audience members wang, its amazingly obvious that she is forcing the pendulum to swing wherever she wants it to.
I kept thinking, if these peopler really believe the pendulum is intelligent and has its own powers, why don't they hang to from a hook and ask it to do things, then they would see that its always the person holding the stupid thing that is obviously making it move.
Deborah definitely has her own thing going on, she came across as more of a used car salesman…
"Come on down to Crazy Deb’s Space Cadets Emporium, we got it all Energy Healing, LifeForce certification, contacting your spirit guides, shamanic pendulums, crystals, angels and of course whatever other cultural items we can appropriate from eastern culture because white people think ancient means wisdom".
"Come in before Tuesday and get a free Chakra Rotation on the house. Remember…
"If you can’t prove its real we don’t have to prove it aint”.
And then I moved on from there to my last gem who goes by the obviously real name of Tina M. Zion as yet another practitioner of bullshit emerges from the collective fog of the uneducated…
Join me as I read a chapter from my latest book,
it comes in eight flavors of crazy, you know.
Tina claims to be a professional “medical intuitive”, that’s someone who can simply look at you and somehow tell what's going on inside you in great detail…she even claims to have x-ray vision…interestingly she makes it VERY clear that if you do what she does (rip off the stupid and gullible) you must never claim to be a doctor or diagnose anyone…even staying away from the actual word "diagnose" since that opens you up to a potential lawsuit… she writes on her blog:
Please, unless you are a physician, never give a medical diagnosis. I teach all over the world now and it seems that the US and other countries also have the same standards. Only medical doctors can legally label symptoms that a person may physically or mentally have.
Do you know what we medical intuitives can do? We can describe and describe and describe some more. Here is an example: I discovered a cancerous group of polyps within my client’s colon. I did not say the word cancer. What I did say is this. “I am noticing a place in your colon right here (pointing to the location) that does not feel like the other parts of your colon. I see a dark lumpy and bulky spot about 3 inches long. It feels too full and cold while the rest of your lower abdomen is very warm. The energy is also quite low in this area. I want you to call you doctor today and insist on receiving a colonoscopy.” Please notice the difference between describing and diagnosing.
So now you too can become a charlatan and rip off simpletons who apparently will take the time and money to consult with this bozo only to be told that they should see a doctor…which is what they should have done in the first place. Here’s how you can do it too… Step One: buy her book…
Become a Medical Intuitive: Complete Developmental Course by Tina M. Zion
This book provides a complete training experience to become a medical intuitive. Each chapter advances you, step-by-step, to intensify your psychic abilities and develop your x-ray perception. A medical background is not necessary to excel as a medical intutitive. "Become a Medical Intuitive" provides you with the following: How to physically see like an x-ray machine; How to take charge of your energy field; How imagination and intuition work together; Develop inner sight for the deeper cause of illness; See, feel, and sense the entire person on all levels; Understand the electromagnetic energy of thought and emotion; Receive the pure essence of someone's life story; How to use medical intuition as a healing technique; Understand and use the "knowing" you have; Inform without diagnosing; Identify general areas and organs of the human body; Assess auric colors for vibrational accuracy; Actual case studies and assessments to learn from.
When you have completed the course contained in this book, you will have truly developed x-ray vision.
This shows a basic lack of intelligence, an X-Ray generally show hard surfaces, not soft tissues so while she could claim to see people’s broken bones, she certainly couldn’t “see” anything related to tissue or tumors or fluids etc. She should have said you could develop CatScanAbility or MRI Vision, I guess.
And that sounds great to me, when I was a kid I also wanted X-ray Vision until I realized that I would be looking at peoples bones and not the naked boobies I was hoping to see.
And here is her bio, again hard to verify anything when these groups are all questionable in what they themselves do...
About the Author
Tina M. Zion is a fourth generation psychic medium, specializing in medical intuition and teaching it internationally. She has a national board speciality certification in mental health nursing from the American Nurses Credentialing Association. Tina is a Gestalt trained counselor, graduating from the Indianapolis Gestalt Instititue in 1997. She received her certification in clinic hypnotherapy from the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners in 1983, specializing in past life regressions and certified through the Michael Newton Institute. Tina is an internationally known speakre and author.
And on that note, I will be checking out. I need to go make myself a detox tea, wrap my head in tinfoil and lie down on my yoga mat until at least 3/4 of my braincells die off…
…and then I'll be just like the idiots who believe this stuff.