Sunday, February 24, 2013

Special orders don't upset us...

We just finished watching the TV show Touch. In the show a young boy, Jake, is afflicted with something similar to Asperger's Syndrome.

At the end of the show, Ava is asking if there are real life children like Jake.

Me: Jake is just a character on the show. He is supposed to be a child who has something called Asperger's Syndrome".

Ava: "Assburgers!…what are Assburgers"?

Me: No… not AssBurgers… Aspergers…ASPERGERS.
Im trying to pronuce the "p" more clearly but it still sounds like Assburgers to me too.

Ava: Assburgers?

Me: Yes…it's when you take a ball of chopped meat, put it between your butt cheeks and then clench real tight. Thats how you make Assburgers.

Ava: Ewwww.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Gonna need to see some ID...

Mr. Burns: Ah, these minstrels will soothe my jangled nerves. 

Joey Ramone: I'd just like to say this gig sucks! 

Johnny Ramone: Up yours, Springfield! 

Joey Ramone: One, two, three, four! (singing a punk version of "Happy Birthday") 
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! 
Happy birthday, Burnsie, happy birthday to you! 

C.J. Ramone: Go to hell, you old bastard! 

Marky Ramone: Hey, I think they liked us! 

Mr. Burns: Have the Rolling Stones killed. 

Smithers: But, sir, those weren't the... 

Mr. Burns: Do as I say!